The youth exchanges are about young people, between 16 and 30 years old, from different countries working to develop projects around mobility, citizenship, cultures and traditions for understanding the European Union and working together with other young people across the world. The participants of this projects learn about mobility and gain vast amounts of new experiences and skills.
“My name is Enrique, I’m 26 years old and I’m from Spain. In this moment I’m volunteering at High Oak but a couple of years ago I was a participant in some of the Eramus + Youth Exchanges. There I met a lot of people form different countries and cultures. We did a lot of activities together and learnt from each other. Today I still stay in touch with most of the people I met in those projects. I don’t have words to explain all the beneficts I gain from this projects and all the door that it opened to me. I highly recommend to everyone to be part of them if they have the chance.”